The Kenyan Land Settlement program focuses on the settlement of the landless poor and is funded by government budget allocations. The land settlement program was launched in 1961 and the department of settlement created in 1962 as a government department to administer the program technically on behalf of Settlement Fund Trustee (SFT), a body corporate that was established under the legal notice no. 352/63 of the Agriculture Act CAP 318 to help execute the program.
This study sought to establish how the government has put in various project management aspects to ensure the success these settlement projects. A comparative study of two projects (Lake Kenyatta and Suguta) in the Coast and Rift Valley regions respectively was undertaken. Their success was measured against management and administration of the programs as well as the achievement of some shared or similar initial stated objectives of the two programs namely: provision of political stability, provision of settlement land to the poor landless natives, amelioration of unemployment, agricultural development and improved welfare for the settled community.
The target population was project managers and the project beneficiaries in the projects. The target group was 83 respondents from the two sampled projects. Both primary data and secondary data were used to give both qualitative and quantitative information. Questionnaires were delivered to the respondents. Edited and coded data was descriptively analysed and presented using frequency tables, pie chart and bar graphs as was found appropriate. The study has shown that there is a positive relationship between how a project is planned, implemented, financed, monitored and evaluated and its success. The study also established that the sponsorship of these projects mattered in how the projects are managed thus contributing to their success or failure. Suggestions and recommendations of carrying out a successful settlement program are given at the end of the study.
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