The main aim of this study was to examine the nature of political culture with a specific reference to Nairobi City and Kajiado Counties in Kenya. The study compared two counties in Kenya one from urban area (Nairobi) and the other one from a rural setting (Kajiado). The study used a descriptive survey design where the two counties were compared. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. A questionnaire and an interview guide were used. Random and purposive sampling, were used to select sample of the study. The study sampled a total of 240 respondents where 190 were female and 50 men. The analysis of the collected data established that the current political developments did not favor women to contest certain elective posts, as the society viewed the aforementioned posts to be a reserve for their male counterparts. Further, the study established that political culture and stereotypes against women influenced their participation in politics. The study recommended that men could play a significant role in promoting gender equality policy development and that implementation of the two thirds gender rule would enhance women participation in politics as more seats would be reserved for them both at the national and county levels.
Key Words: Political Culture, Nairobi County, Kajiado County
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