In Kenya, Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) provide one of the most prolific sources of employment and also the breeding ground for medium and large industries, which are critical for industrialization. The main purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the growth of Agribusiness Micro and Small Enterprises in Embu County. Quantitative research design was employed. Quantitative design approach involved collection of the numerical data and verified to reinforce cause-effect relationship in the study. Data collected was used to explain growth phenomenon for Agribusiness Micro and Small Enterprises in Embu County. The study attempted to describe the factors that exist in terms of technology access and adoption and Human resource capacities. Study population comprised of entire Agribusiness Micro and Small Enterprises in Embu County. There were two hundred and fifty four (254) Agribusiness Micro and Small Enterprises which formed the accessible population of the study. Seventy seven Agribusiness Micro and Small Enterprises out of 254 Agribusiness MSE constituted the sample for the study. A questionnaire was used during the study to collect quantitative data as the only convenient means for data collection. Both closed and open ended questions were used to gather the responses from the respondents. Further data analysis was done with the help of use of SPSS software. The study revealed that both factors under study which were technological capacities and human resource capacities affected growth of Agribusiness Micro and Small Enterprises in Embu County. The research recommended Medium and Small Enterprises Authority to enhance its collaboration with Embu County Government so as to improve growth of Agribusiness Micro and Small Enterprises in the county. Furthermore, Agribusiness entrepreneurs should seek for more training to upscale their knowledge and skills in agribusiness Micro and Small Enterprises
Key Words: Technological Capacities, Human Resource Capacities, Agribusiness, Micro and Small Enterprises
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i3.505
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