The purpose of this paper was to assess the role of employee involvement practice in selected steel manufacturing firms in Kenya and its effect on financial performance of the organizations. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design that collected both qualitative and quantitative data through structured questionnaires. The target population was the 46 listed Kenyan Steel Manufacturing Companies. Sample size was determined by the use of Krejcie and Morgan’s Sample Size Table. The sample size of the targeted population was 42. Data was collected from Management Representatives or Quality Assurance Managers or their equivalents and had a response rate of 100%. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data while qualitative data was used to supplement interpretation of quantitative data. Testing of hypotheses was done using Analysis of Variance. Variance Inflation Factor was used to illustrate the significance of the association between financial performance and employee involvement practice. The study concludes that employee involvement practice contributes significantly to the performance of Steel Manufacturing companies in Kenya. Using regression analysis, the study revealed that employee involvement practice statistically significantly predicted the performance of Steel Manufacturing Companies in Kenya, with F statistic of 74.809 (p = 0.000 < 0.05). The analysis further revealed that there is a strong positive correlation between employee involvement practice and performance of Steel Manufacturing companies in Kenya (R =0.718, p ˂ 0.05). The study recommends that steel manufacturing companies in Kenya need to continuously put emphasis on collective actions through commitment of funds and time to leap the benefit of quality teams. The study further recommends that senior management should be more committed in involving and training employees.
Key words: Quality Management Systems, Organizational Performance, Kenyan Steel Manufacturing Sector, Employee Involvement.
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