The Kenya government introduced PCs in 2003 and the implementation process begun in 2004. The study was necessitated by the persistence about signing of PCs by teachers in Kenya, and their unions’ advice against signing them. The study was sought to determine the effect of teachers’ training on the implementation of performance contracting in public secondary schools in Ruiru Sub County, Kenya. The study reviewed literature on origin and experience with implementation of performance contracting both locally and internationally. It also covered other areas such as the rationale introduction of performance contracting in education sector and critical review of performance contract. The target population was 10 schools with 20 head teachers and their deputies and 137 teachers. In selection of the sample population, the study used purposive sampling technique to accurately select 157 respondents as shown in the sample distribution of the population and considering the size of the target population, out of this number (157), 100% represented of all the residents were sampled with a multiplier of 1.0 in all categories targeted. The study used descriptive design to explain the current status of implementing the performance contract and provide the opportunity to acquire more information regarding performance contracting of teachers. The study instruments used were questionnaires and interview schedules. The study revealed that statistically, training had a weak positive correlation towards implementation of performance contracting. Grounded on the findings of this research, it was resolved that performance contracting should not be hastily executed and therefore enough time and training is required between the teachers and proper communication and engagement by the relevant authorities.
Key Words: Teachers Training, Performance Contracts, Public Secondary Schools
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i3.510
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