In 2010, Kenyans enacted a new constitution, which established a system of devolved government with 47 lower level county governments. The operation of the county governments started soon after the March 2013 elections, which included the election of county governors, deputy governors and county ward representatives. The general objective is to establish factors that influence implementation of development projects by County Government of Kilifi, in Kenya. The Specific objectives will be to determine how Project size influence the rate of implementation of development projects by County Government of Kilifi, in Kenya, to establish how allocation of funding influence the rate of implementation of development projects by County Government of Kilifi, in Kenya, to establish how political intervention influence the rate of implementation of development projects by County Government of Kilifi, in Kenya and to examine how the level of security influence the rate of implementation development projects by County Government of Kilifi, in Kenya. This study was limited to the county government in kilifi county drawn from various sectors such as County assembly committee, Executive Committee Members, County Secretary, Chief officers, Ward administrators, Sub County administrators, Departmental Finance officers and Project Managers. The theoretical framework will be based on, Stakeholder Theory, Co-evolutionary theory, Lewin’s Change Management Theory, Network Theory, Resource Based View Theory. This study adopted a mixed research design. The study covers ninety three (93) county personnel that occupy positions relevant to the study. This study will use census method because the target population was less than the minimum a hundred respondents for sampling method to be adopted. The researcher collected data mainly from primary sources. Primary data will be collected using a questionnaire. Data collected was centered into the computer using SPSS. Data was presented using tables, pie charts and graphs. It was concluded that size of the project determines the rate of implementation of development projects to a great extent. Allocation of funds also affects the rate of implementation of development projects to a great extent. Political interference and the level of security also affect the rate of implementation of development projects. The study Recommended that ,Kilifi county government should employ parties who can help in terms of security during implementation of development projects and also should have all considerations including size, intervention and funds required during the process.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i3.515
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