The study aimed at investigating the role of NGOs in conflict resolution. The researcher selected a sample of 384 respondents from the different segments of the larger population in Mogadishu. The researcher employed percentages and frequencies to analyze the results of questionnaire using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The study used mean and standard deviation analysis for descriptive statistics while correlation and regression analysis was used for inferential statistics. The study concluded that there is a significant relationship between Nongovernmental organizations and conflict resolution; Non-Governmental Organizations play a significant role in conflict resolution in Somalia. NGOs have developed a wide range of conflict prevention and resolution activities including monitoring conflict and providing early warning of new violence; opening dialogue between adversarial parties; playing a direct mediating role; strengthening local institutions for conflict resolution; and helping to strengthen the rule of law and democratic processes in countries affected by violent conflict. Results from the study further revealed that a large number of respondents agreed to the statement that NGOs, conduct research on selected cases of human rights violations and areas as observers or monitors; gathering information from local NGOs , community groups, activists, professionals, and other sources;. Results from the survey indicated that majority of the respondents agreed to the statement that Non-governmental organizations were active in alerting news resources and media in human rights violations. Human Rights Nongovernmental organizations valued media attention and they were active in alerting news resources and media in principal capitals to human rights violations. Results from the survey showed that majority of the respondents agreed to the statement that detecting unemployment trends helped to prevent conflicts. The following were recommended; NGOs should recognize that peace building is a political undertaking rather than a development and humanitarian one; Funding of NGOs from the local government should be increased for effective performance of their responsibilities
Key Terms: Conflict Resolution, Humanitarian aid Deliver, Early Warning, Human Rights monitoring, Advocacy
Full Text:
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