The focus of the study was to establish the factors influencing the competence of education workforce in public education institutions in kinango Sub County. The study was guided by the hypothesis as: there is a relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables. A descriptive research design was adopted, with the education fraternity in Kinango Sub-county being the focus. A descriptive survey study was designed to show which Human resource factors influenced the education workforce competence. The study population comprised a total of 8670 education employees from the four zones in the Sub-County. The study used cluster random sampling technique to draw a sample size of 382 respondents. A tailor-made structured questionnaire was developed by the researcher and used as a data collection instrument. Correlations were obtained with the aid of statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) version 20. The key findings of the study were that human resource factors influencing education workforce competence these were: - managerial styles, institutional culture, workplace atmosphere, training and development and could be others not put to test under that study. The study further found that competence of education impacts on performance, in the education sector. The study also found out that competent workforce had the potential to establish a positive work environment which further inspires the level of employee commitment to the education sector and enhances performance. It was found that all the four independent variables influenced the dependent variable. The results showed that all the independent variables were significant determinants of the Respondents. It was therefore recommended that stakeholders should utilize the suitable managerial styles in order to influence the workforce positively. They should also adapt the suitable cultures and traditions in the public institutions since they influence employees positively. Stakeholders should further put more effort ensuring that the working atmosphere in the public institution is designed to positively influence the education workforce competence. It was additionally key that, since training and development emerged the greatest employee competence influencer, stakeholders should ensure that employees are trained and developed for competence.
Key terms: Human resource, training and development, skills, attitudes, knowledge, managerial styles, culture influence, workplace, development influence, competence, education
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