The general objective of the study was to explore challenges to service delivery in County Governments with a case study of Nyeri County. The specific objectives were to identify the relationship between ethical bottlenecks and service delivery and to establish the effect of policies and legislation on service delivery. The target population was the Nyeri county officials and key informants in the County. The target population included 77 senior officials of the County government of Nyeri, these were from the county executive and the Members of the County Assembly. Eighty (80) key informants were also targeted and included religious leaders, chiefs and social workers. Data was collected using a semi structured questionnaire. Questionnaires were used to gather data for the study. Data collected was processed, coded and analyzed using computer programme - Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 for windows. The study found that: Although the Executive and the MCAs ruled out any effect of ethical bottlenecks on the county performance, it was highly seen as the cause of poor county performance by the key informants. There was a significant relationship between quality service delivery and relevance of existing policies and strategic plans but there was a no significant relationship between quality service delivery and need to improve CIDP. The study recommended that the county government of Nyeri should have a well-defined performance management plan with clear indicators and timelines and the Executive, the MCAs and the residents need to hold consultative meetings to create synergy, harmony and monitor the performance of the county without compromising the roles given to each one of them by the county government Act 2012 and the constitution of Kenya 2010. There was need to improve the existing policies and legislation so as to improve service delivery in the county.
Key Word: Ethical Bottlenecks, Policies and Legislation, Service Delivery
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