This study aimed at examining the drivers of effective implementation of inter-agency projects with the specific objectives being; to examine the influence of project funding and project leadership to the effective implementation of Inter-agency projects in Kenya. A descriptive research design was adopted. A census method of sampling was applied where all the HoDs and Seconded staff were used as respondents. The study employed the use of a structured questionnaire to collect data from a study sample of 88 out of which 76 questionnaires were duly filled and returned. Data collected was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics involving both qualitative and quantitative analysis was used to analyze the collected data. ANOVA was used to compare the difference of means amongst the various groups. Overall, the study established that project funding and project leadership influenced effective implementation of inter-agency projects. Specifically, the study established that project funding made the most positive significant contribution, among the two independent variables investigated. The study concluded that the implementing agencies should adopt best practices in financial planning & management and project leadership from the agencies to focus on project team and conflict resolution for a realization of the intended overall Project Development Objectives (PDO). The recommendations of the study included; need for unique financial practices and processes and a project leadership style that enhance a unified project approach.
Key Words: Project Funding, Project Leadership, Implementation of Interagency Projects
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