This study sought to establish the influence of strategic management practices on performance at Kenya Power & Lighting Company (KPLC) Central Office, Nairobi. Specifically, the study sought to assess the influence of e-procurement and evaluate the influence of strategic planning on performance at Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited. The study adopted descriptive research design. The target population was 135 senior managers from the KPLC Central office Nairobi. The sample size of 100 senior managers was determined using the Yamane formula. Random sampling was used to select a sample of 100 respondents. Data was collected through structured questionnaire. Also secondary data was obtained from the related journals and reports. Validity and reliability of questionnaire was tested on pilot data targeting 10 respondents. Descriptive statistics was applied to analyze extent of variables. Both correlation and regression analysis was done. The results may be used by policy makers involved in the strategic management. The study established a positive correlation between e-procurement and performance. Moreover, the study established positive correlation between strategic planning and performance. The study therefore concluded that there was influence of e-procurement and strategic planning on performance at KPLC Central office, Nairobi. The study recommended that more effort should be put in place by the management to enhance its performance.
Keywords: E-Procurement, Strategic Planning, Strategic Management, Kenya Power & Lighting Company
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