The purpose of the study was to examine the determinants of adopting reverse logistics in manufacturing firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design, with a population of 400 manufacturing firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya; a questionnaire with both open ended and closed questions was used to collect raw data from a sample of 246 respondents. The simple random was carried out and primary data was through the use of questionnaires. The secondary data was obtained from published documents. The data was analyzed with the help of SPSS. It was notable that there existed a relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. The coefficient of determination is between zero and one. The variables were very significant and they therefore needed to be considered in an effort to boost adoption of reverse logistics in the manufacturing firms. This called for manufacturing firms to try and balance resource allocation and even allocate more funds to procurement departments. There was need to enact more stringent government regulations in order to streamline procurement process that would uniformly apply to all manufacturing firms to adopt reverse logistics.
Keywords: Organization Resources, Organization Culture, Reverse Logistics, Manufacturing Firms in Kenya
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