This study, investigated how journalists at Nation Media Group went about identifying their information needs and how they proceeded to seek it. The specific objectives of the research were: to find out the information needs of the journalists at Nation Media Group; their sources of information; the level of information searching and retrieval skills of the journalists; establish the challenges journalists encounter in pursuit of information and suggestions to mitigate the challenges. The study was based on Niedzwiedzka’s model of information behaviour. The research used qualitative research method. It used purposive sampling to get the sample size. Data was collected through face to face semi-structured interviews and document review. It was analyzed using descriptive content analysis supported by use of tables and charts. The study found that stories done by most journalists, especially the younger ones, lacked in-depth content and did not provide a full proof fallback position in times of litigation. The study also found that quite a sizeable number of journalists at the Nation Media Group was not adequately skilled in electronic information searching and retrieval. Journalists encounter many challenges in the course of their duties. Whilst they stand as the middle ground among protagonists, each warring faction views them as supportive of the other side of the divide. The study concluded that a number of the journalists needed to relook at their modus operandi in terms of how they assess their information needs and how they go about gathering information to back up their stories and satisfy those needs. The study recommended that journalists should undergo periodical refresher courses on information searching and retrieval as well as on house style, editorial policy, defamation, slander and the right of privacy for information sources. Journalists and librarians should create a rapport for ease of information dissemination. Newly employed journalists should go through an in-depth induction in the use of the in-house library to maximize use of its resources.
Keywords: Information Needs, Information Source, Journalist Skills, Journalist Challenges
Full Text:
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