An effective monitoring and evaluation process has been reported as a crucial component of successful projects (Umhlaba Development Services, n.d) that serves to ensure transparency and accountability through [the project work], (Chandurkar & Sen, n.d). The study was carried out to investigate the effect of stakeholders’ participation on project monitoring and evaluation. Using systematic quantitative literature review technique, the study investigated variables based on the conceptual model of participation from the Daltons’ work (Daltons, 2006) and their effect on cost, time and quality of project monitoring and evaluation as reported in publications sample. A sample of 31 literature materials was analyzed and content analysis used to extract summary narration. The study used participant involvement, basing decisions on complete information, fairness in decision making, efficient administration and positive stakeholder interaction as the independent variables. The dependent variable was project monitoring and evaluation whose cost, time and scope were the parameters being investigated. The study concluded found that the quality of project monitoring and evaluation was influenced by the strength of participation of stakeholders.
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