The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between Job burnout and the performance of teachers in secondary schools in Machakos County in Kenya. The study was of benefit to the Machakos County Government, researchers and scholars, HR practitioners, stakeholders, the Kenya government, school Principals, policy makers, and trade unions. The study adopted descriptive research design approach. The population of study was 5579 secondary school teachers working in Machakos County and a sample size of 359 respondents was selected through stratified random sampling. Primary data was collected using questionnaires which were issued to the respondents. Descriptive analysis was used, and this included weighted means, standard deviation, relative frequencies and percentages. A computer software programme, Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS) version 21.0 was used for analysis to generate data. The findings of this study showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between Performance of Teachers (dependent variable) and Job burnout. These results showed that a change in job burnout would definitely lead to a positive change in Performance of Teachers in Secondary Schools in Machakos County in Kenya. The conclusion drawn from the study was that there was a linear positive relationship between job burnout and Performance of Teachers. The study recommended that; the school management and TSC should provide extra curriculum activities coupled with trips, seminars, conferences outside the school environment to ease physical and emotional exhaustion. These would enhance improved performance of teachers in Machakos County in Kenya.
Key Words: Job Burnout, Performance, Machakos County
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