This research examined the relationship between Internal Processes and organizational performance in National Referral Hospitals in Kenya. In particular, the study investigated the inconsistency in the relationship between Internal Processes and Organizational Performance. Several studies have been conducted in this field and they delivered inconsistent results with some arguing that there is a positive direct relationship between the two variables while others say that there is no relationship between the two variables while others recommend further research in this field since they argue that the relationship is not clear. The findings of the study indicated that Internal Processes have a significant relationship with organisational performance in referal hospitals in Kenya and that Internal Processes explained 54% of the variations in performance. The results further indicated that a unit change in Internal Processes results in 0.168 increase in performance. Internal processes positively and significantly influenced the performance of referral hospitals in Kenya. (B1=0.168, P=0.000).
Keywords: Internal Relations, Work Climate, Organizational Performance, National Referral Hospitals
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