The purpose of the study was to analyze the determinants of green procurement implementation in public sector in Kenya, a case study of REA in Kenya. Descriptive research design was used. The study established that the correlation coefficient was 0.799. This indicated a very strong positive relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable. It showed that the independent variables in the study were able to explain 63.80% variation in the green procurement implementation in the public sector in Kenya while the remaining 36.20% is explained by the variables or other aspects outside the model. This implied that the variables are very significant and they therefore need to be considered in any effort to boost green procurement implementation in the organization. The study recommended that the organization should have a cross functional cooperation for environmental improvements. The organization supply chain actors should be involved to enhance green procurement implementation. The special supply chain players should be involved in decision making to enhance green procurement implementation. There should be adequate awareness to the stakeholders which is a major hindrance to the green procurement implementation. The study recommended that green products, services and works cost more than non-green ones thus affecting green procurement implementation in the organization. The strategic sourcing should focus on searching for low-cost and high-value materials; developing technology and inventory control more efficient. The organization green sourcing means working with suppliers to purchase materials with higher rate of recycled content, pollution. The organization need to carry out appraisals on the procured products ensure that the supplies meet the sustainability requirements. The organization should encourage product re-usability to minimize the environmental degradation. There is need to have formulated and implemented green procurement policy to support green procurement initiatives. There is need to have formulated and implemented green procurement policy to support green procurement initiatives. The organizations should comply with the environment policy and strive to know the green needs of the public and suppliers.
Key words: Organization Management, Stakeholder Involvement, Purchasing Price, Process Management, Green Procurement Implementation
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