One of the critical problems concerning the projects by NGOs in Busia County is the frequent and lengthy delays that occur during implementation, the pace of change outstripping the original objectives of the project and balancing the competing project constraints which include, but are not limited to scope, quality, schedule, budget, resources, and risk. The current study seeks to establish the critical success factors in the implementation of NGO projects in Busia County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the effect of communication; financing; local community involvement and staff training on the implementation of NGO projects within Busia County. A descriptive approach was adopted in which a target population of 96 participants was included in the study by answering to a structured questionnaire. The study found that there was a positive and significant relationship between communication; financing; local community involvement and staff training on the implementation of NGO projects. The findings indicated that communication had the most significant effect on implementation of NGO projects followed by financing, local community participation, and staff training. The study recommends for more communication with stakeholders at each of the project phases; sustainable financial practices for NGOs to be able to effectively implement projects in Busia County.
Keywords: Communication, Financing, Local Community Involvement, Staff Training, Implementation of NGO Projects.
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