The general objective of study was to investigate the effects of anticorruption initiatives on corporate governance in Somalia. More specifically, the study sought to achieve the following objectives; to find out the effect political anticorruption initiatives on corporate governance in Somalia, to examine the effects of the bureaucratic anticorruption initiatives on corporate governance in Somalia, and to investigate the effect of electoral anticorruption initiatives on corporate governance in Somalia. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 300 Banadir local government staff that constituted the sample size from the sectors of Banadir local government. The study adopted a descriptive survey design which conducted a set of questionnaires divided into five parts. Part A designed to capture the respondents’ background including sex, age, level of education etc. Part B to collect data on the political anticorruption initiatives. Part C to collect data on bureaucratic anticorruption initiatives and part D to collect data on electoral anticorruption initiatives, Part E collected data on police anticorruption initiatives and part F collected data on corporate governance. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data with the help of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. The study did a regression model summary that indicates the coefficient determination R square as 0.39 meaning that 39% of the relationship is explained by the identified four independent variables. The study indicated that political corruption, bureaucratic corruption and electoral corruption has positive and significant relationship with effective governance with a p value less than 0.005. Police anticorruption initiatives had an insignificant relationship with corporate governance with a p value more than 0.005. these conclusions are drowned from the study political anticorruption initiatives variable has the highest influence on governance of Somalia as a factor. The electoral anticorruption initiatives significantly affect governance as has been revealed from the study. The study recommended that political anticorruption initiatives had the highest positive effect. Therefore, its role to produce fundamental decisions and actions in formulating policies has to be maintained and considered. It is also recommended that bureaucratic institution be facilitated to formulate good policies and programs that can be implemented to enhance service delivery to the general public.
Key terms: Anticorruption, Bureaucratic corruption, Corruption, Corporate governance, Electoral corruption
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.675
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