The introduction of containerization triggered complementary technological and organizational changes that revolutionized global freight transport. Despite numerous claims about the importance of containerization in stimulating international trade, and economic aspects worldwide, much has not been discussed regarding strategic management practices and containerization. The study sought to establish strategic management practices influencing performance of container terminals at Kenya ports authority. A descriptive research design was used where the target population comprises of 230 employees at KPA Mombasa terminal KPA. The study’s sample frame included the top management, middle management and lower subordinate staff at KPA. The study used simple random sampling technique where 30% of the population from sample frame was randomly selected to make a sample size of 69 employees at KPA. Data collection was done using questionnaires to gather primary data where both structured and unstructured questions was used to ensure that all areas were captured. Both open ended and closed ended questions was used to allow respondents to elaborate more on the answers provided. The Validity and reliability of the study was done to check the internal consistency of the questionnaires where a cronbach’s alpha value of 0.70 or more was required before going to the field for data collection. Data was then be analyzed by use of descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages) as well as inferential statistics. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS V23) was used for data analysis. The study found out that the ANOVA results indicated that the model was significant at F = 60.416, and df of 4 with p<.05. At 95% confidence level the analysis indicates high reliability of the results obtained thus indicating that the study was statistically determined. The study showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between innovation strategy and performance (0.005) which is less than 0.005, leadership strategy and performance (0.000) which is less than 0.005. However there was no significant relationship between strategy evaluation and performance (0.343), strategy implementation and performance (0.417)
Key Terms: Container terminals, Dwell time, Innovation strategy, Strategy evaluation, Strategic leadership, Strategy implementation, Quay crane
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