The purpose of this study was to ascertain the role of strategic management practices on the organizational performance of UNDP in Mogadishu. Specifically, the study was seeking to determine the role of strategic planning practices, ascertain the role of strategic corporate governance practices, find out the role of strategic total quality management practice and assess the role of strategic leadership practice on the performance of United Nation Development Programme Somalia. The efforts spent in this process produced the desired rewards in making the objectives attainable and its mandate legitimate. The study based itself on the agency theory which holds that there is separation of management (agents) from owners (Principals) of organization and contingency theory which holds that contingent factors such as technology, culture and the external environment influence the design and function of organizations. The study adopted a descriptive research design which provides qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the trends, attitudes and perception of the population UNDP with a population of 114. A sample of 89 was derived and respondents interviewed to get responses by use of questionnaires as an instrument of collecting data. Data was analyzed by use of SPSS V23 to find the relationships and averages of the data in addition to graphical and tabular presentations for understandable presentation. The study indicated that there was a positive and significant relationship between performance and Strategic Corporate Governance Practice (0.000) <0.005.There was also a positive significant relationship between TQM (0.005) <0.005. The study also indicated that there was no significant relationship between Strategic Management Planning Practice and performance (0.261) >0.005 and no significant relationship between Strategic Leadership Practice and performance (0.395) >0.005
From the findings coefficient of determination, R2 was 0.980 which indicated that 98.0% of variance was attributed to combination of the four independent factors investigated in this study which were strategic planning, strategic corporate governance, strategic total quality management, and strategic leadership.
Key Terms: Strategic management practices, Strategic Planning practice, Strategic total quality management practice, Strategic corporate governance practice
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