The aim of this study was to assess the determinants of timely completion of construction projects at Kenya Airports Authority. Empirical review on budgets; contract variation; monitoring and evaluation; and staff competencies was conducted. The study used a descriptive survey design. The target population for this research was 122 staff obtained from KAA project management department that had been handling different projects at KAA for the last 5 years. Questionnaires were coded, given a distinct number and data entered manually in a computer. This was then analyzed and tabulated accordingly. Data was represented by use of frequencies, percentages and tabulated in frequency tables and descriptive statistics. The study found that budgeting, staff competencies, monitoring and evaluation had appositive and significant correlation with timely completion of construction projects at KAA. The study also found that contract variation had a negative and significant correlation with timely completion of construction projects at KAA. The study recommended that KAA should come up with budgeting procedures which aims to enhance the performance of construction projects such as introduction of budget plans, budget control processes and stakeholder involvement in budgeting process. There is also a need for KAA to involve all the stakeholders involved in project management to reduce contract variation. The management should come up with specific policies that prevent adjustment of the quantity, quality and scope of construction projects by over 15%. The findings of the study also led to the recommendations that KAA should enhance monitoring and evaluation of construction projects by enhancing the monitoring of project viability and increasing performance auditing since it influences performance of construction at KAA positively and significantly. Furthermore, there is a need to establish training programmes to enhance the competence of the project team. There is also a need to recruit based on experience, education level and skills.
Key Terms: Budgeting, Staff Competencies, Monitoring and Evaluation, Contract Variation, Completion of Construction Projects
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