This study’s objective was to examine the determinants of successful project implementation in consumer goods companies in relation to five leading CG companies in Nairobi, Kenya. The target population was staff involved in the work processes and project implementation at Unilever, Proctor and Gamble, Proctor and Allan, Nestle Foods and East African Breweries Limited in Kenya. The study adopted a census approach to include all the 122 staff involved in project planning, execution, monitoring and closing within the various departments of the five CG companies. Descriptive survey research design was adopted where questionnaires with both open and close-ended questions were administered, to collect primary data. Secondary data was gathered from documented studies and general literature pertinent to the research focus. The collected data was processed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21. Analyzed data showed that all the independent variables were significant (p<0.05) implying that the results were statistically significant. The t-values revealed that scope management (t=6.611) was the greatest determinant for successful project implementation in the CG company followed by quality management (t=4.687), then project resources (t = 3.890) and finally risk management (t=2.101). The correlation coefficient (r) between successful project implementation and scope management was found to be 0.721 at (p=0.000) while that of the dependent variable and quality management, project resources and risk management was 0.696, 0.686 and 0.647 respectively. All the independent variables were found to significantly influence the dependent variable. The study recommends that CG companies adopt PM processes and techniques for maximized performance and outputs. The findings of the study should be used to create work guidelines, in line with the four theories, for CG companies to factor in their project operations.
Key terms: Scope Management , Risk Management, Quality Management, Project Resources, Project Implementation
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