Small and medium roads contractors (SMRCs) in Kenya perform poorly on projects they are contracted to implement. Many Kenyan citizens have condemned some of the work carried-out by the contractors and this is largely blamed on the many limitations SMRCs are facing. The emerging of resilient competition of Chinese Roads Contractors (CRC) has further complicated the matter for them. The general objective of this study was to identify determinants of project performance of small and medium size roads contractors in Kenya. Specifically the study sought to find out how the financial capacity, leadership factors, organizational culture and political economy influence the performance of small and medium size roads contractors in Kenya. The sample size was 150 small and medium size roads contractors drawn from all the categories who fall in the between NCA4 to NCA7 who were locally owned and participates in roads construction contracts in Nairobi county. In this study non- probability design using purposive homogeneous sampling was used because the researcher was interested in the representativeness of the concepts in their varying forms. Scientifically designed questionnaires were used to collect data. Data was collected, checked, edited, organized and coded by computer to reduce the mass of data obtained into a form suitable for analysis. The coded data was then, with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences presented on frequency distribution tables and pie charts. The research findings revealed that small and medium size roads contractors have to take loans to undertake projects and that their leadership dictates employees what needs to be done and expects cooperation and in addition small and medium size roads contractors do not engage and support their employees. On the other hand the research findings revealed that government policies in place do not adequately support small and medium size contractors and in equal measure, Political Pronouncements have influence on the project Performance. Change of political leadership has influence on the project performance.
Key Words: Financial Capacity, Leadership Factors, Organizational Culture, Political Economy, Roads Contractors
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