Financial structure is an important factor of consideration when it comes to financial performance. Several studies show that highly leveraged organizations usually do well in terms of financial growth by increasing the value of a firm, contrary to the MM theorem that argues capital structure is irrelevant factor to consider since it does not affect the value of an organization. This study sought to examine the effect of financial structure on the financial performance of DT-SACCOs in Kenya. It was necessitated due to the inconsistencies and contradictions in findings of the previous studies that were sampled. The financial performance was measured by return on equity (ROE). The study adopted a descriptive research design and involved a sample size of 18 DT-SACCOs in Kenya ranked top in both asset base and deposit size in the financial year ended 31st December 2016. Secondary data obtained from the annual reports and financial statements of the 18 sampled DT-SACCOs was used for analysis. The annual reports and financial statements were sourced from the official website of SASRA and the respective official websites of the DT-SACCOs. The period of study stretched from year 2012 to year 2016. The collected data was converted into panels and fed into Stata version 12. The data was analyzed and hypotheses tested by use of descriptive, correlation and regression analysis models. The findings of the study showed that a positive and significant relationship existed between equity financing, long term debt financing, short term debt financing, member deposits and financial performance of DT-SACCOs in Kenya. There is need for DT-SACCOs to adopt alternative financial approaches in order to improve their financial performance. Some of the challenges encountered during the study included missing of financial statements for some years in the official websites of both SASRA and some DT SACCOs. This challenge was overcome by visiting the head offices of those DT SACCOs and requesting for soft copy of the missing financial statements. However, this delayed the study as it was not completed within the project expected completion period.
Key Words: equity, Long Debt, Short Term, Deposits, Financial Performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.706
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