The implementation cash transfer programs depend on country systems. Having sufficient control and accountability mechanisms which in most cases are missing is critical to minimize and manage political risks as well as to ensure effective implementation and sustainability of these programs. The programs face a number of challenges in terms of coverage, fragmentation, coordination, predictability, reliability, transparency and coordination. Further, the programme is vulnerable to error and fraud. For example, it is estimated that around Ksh.3.3 billion or about 3% of the total value of benefit payments is lost through customer error, official error and fraud in roughly equal measure each year. There are notable cases in other developing countries where programmes have failed due to inadequate controls. Within the context of these arguments, the purpose of the study is to establish the challenges in the management of older person’s cash transfer programmes in Kenya with reference to Ministry Of Labour, Social Security and Services. A descriptive research design was used in this study. The target population was 1403 employees of Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services (Department of Social Development). Stratified proportionate random sampling technique was used to select the sample. The researcher used primary data for this study and was collected using questionnaires. The questionnaire was administered using a drop and pick later method to the sampled respondents. The quantitative data in this research was analyzed by descriptive statistics using statistical package for social sciences version 21. Completeness of qualitative data collected was checked for and cleaned ready for data analysis. Content analysis was used in processing of this data and results presented in prose form. In addition, a multivariate regression model was applied to determine the relative importance of each of the five variables with respect to successful cash transfer projects. Data was presented in tables, charts and graphs. The study found out that infrastructure/ implementing tools, government financing and donor funding affect the management of older persons’ cash transfer to a great extent. The study also found out that factors of staff capacity including staff competency, administrative capacity to carry out targeting (and payment), training strategies and communication strategies affect the management of older persons cash transfer programmes in Kenya to a great extent. The study concluded that that infrastructure/ implementing tools, government financing and donor funding affect the management of older persons’ cash transfer programmes in Kenya. The recommended that the government should increase the funding of older persons’ cash transfer programs to avoid delays in the program because of relying on donor funding. The study also recommended that institutions should engage in training of staff to increase competency and ensure there is administrative capacity to carry out targeting and paying of the older persons’ cash transfer programs. Another study should be carried out to determine the factors affecting the management of older person’s cash transfer programmes in Kenya.
Key Words: Cash Transfer, Sustainability
Full Text:
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