The aim of the study was to examine the drivers of sustainability of youth empowerment projects in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. The study would benefit the youths, the government agencies implementing youth funding and other stakeholders who also provide funds to the youth. The study targeted Taita Taveta County because of the low sustainability of the youth funded projects for example in terms of the rate of loan repayments as funded by the Youth Enterprise Fund in the year 2014/2015 financial year in comparison with the other counties in the country. There were 162 youth empowerment projects which had been established in the county for the last 10 years and majority of them have collapsed. The study used a structured self-administered questionnaire to collect data from the project managers. On the other hand; secondary data was obtained from published documents such as journals, periodicals, magazines and reports to supplement the primary data. A pilot study was conducted to pretest the validity and reliability of instruments for data collection. The collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods by the use of SPSS. The study further adopted regression analysis to determine the relationship among the variables at 5% level of significance. The regression model of sustainability of youth empowerment projects coefficient of determination R Square was 0.640 and R was 0.800. The coefficient of determination R Square indicated that 64%.00% of the variation sustainability of youth empowerment projects could be explained by the set of independent variables. The remaining 36.00% of variation in sustainability of youth empowerment projects could be explained by other variables not included in this model. This indicated that project planning, project funding, project management skills and monitoring and evaluation are important factors that need to be enhanced to boost sustainability of youth empowerment projects in the study area. The current study should therefore be expanded further as there is need to undertake similar research in other counties in Kenya in order to establish whether the explored factors can be generalized.
Key Terms: Project Planning, Project Management, Project Funding, Monitoring and Evaluation
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