The study sought to establish the influence of organizational communication on the implementation of building projects within Nairobi County. The research targeted participants in the building process since they were the main source of communication and systems of information flow. The specific variables included communication framework, communication culture, communication management strategies and the use of Information Technology in communication. A total of 80 ongoing building projects within Nairobi City County were considered. The information collected from the respondents was analyzed through SPSS software. The study revealed that clear roles in the project organization aim at building effective organizational communication and also that a well-documented communication plan was essential to enhance project implementation. The study revealed that availability of information transparency to all participants during the course of the project to increase level of synergy. The study revealed that appropriate communication channel ensured that information was relayed to right audience and improves team coordination and increase synergy and trust. The study revealed that the level of skill among personnel ensured accurate interpretation of information relayed and also that the use of modern and compatible IT software ensured clear and timely interpretation of information. The government should put into place bodies to facilitate council approvals and to ensure that information should not by-pass relevant project consultant. Also the study recommended that communication roles within the project lifecycle should be assigned from the WBS or OBS to avoid overlapping roles. The study recommended that consortiums should provide clear communication lines that aim to support all subordinates to facilitate information sharing and cohesion. The study recommended that stakeholders in the building industry should adopt most forms of communication among them written form (site instruction books), email, verbal instructions (telephone) and messaging including WhatsApp. The study recommended that the management of the consortiums should adopt modern technology to facilitate their operations and take staff on training on the technology adopted.
Key Words: Communication Framework, Communication Culture, Communication Management Strategies, Information Technology
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