This study was set out to examine the influence of road safety strategies on road user practices in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. In this study, road safety strategies under focus were road safety training, road safety IEC materials and road safety campaigns while road user practices were centred on safe road crossing, wearing of protective clothing, speed limiting and observation of road signage. The objectives of the study were to establish how road safety training improves road user practices; determine how Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials affect road users’ practices; and to assess how road-safety awareness campaigns influence practices of road users. One of the projects successfully implemented by Smart Divers Organization, Trans Nzoia Road Safety Awareness project was analysed through a mix of ex-post facto and survey research design to determine a possible road safety strategy - road user practice relationship. Results showed that there is positive correlation between individual road safety strategies and road user practices. Road user practices, as self-reported by respondents all showed that they were positively influenced by the road user training, campaigns and IEC materials they received from the implementer, SDO. In conclusion, the effectiveness of a road user strategy depends on the appropriateness of the road users. When using IEC as a road safety strategy, it is imperative to consider simplicity either of messages, pictorial or in word.
Key words: Road safety strategies, road user practices, training, awareness campaigns, information education and communication
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