The main objective of this study was to examine the role of strategic human resource management practices to the performance of public universities using JKUAT as the case study. To achieve this the study was guided by the following specific objectives; to analyze the influence of recruitment practice to the performance of public universities, to determine the effect of training and development to the performance of public universities, to ascertain the contribution of team building practice to the performance of public universities and to determine the influence of rewards and compensation the performance of public universities. The target population was the Middle Level Managers working in the various departments of Jomo Kenyatta university of Agriculture and Technology. Data collection instruments involved both questionnaires and interviews. Data was be analyzed using both descriptive statistics such as frequency tables and charts and inferential statistics such as Chi-square analysis for which the researcher employed the use of SPSS (Ver.24). From the findings of the study, it was concluded that recruitment and selection, training and development, reward and compensation strategies, team building practices and reward and compensation practices have a positive effect on the performance of Public Institutions. From the findings and conclusion, Public Institutions had adopted strategic human resource management practices to some extent. The study recommended that organizations should adopt strategic human resources management practices. When these are put in place the people through whom the goals of an organization are accomplished are empowered.
Key Words: Recruitment Practice, Training and Development, Team Building, Rewards and Compensation, Public Universities
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