The general objective of the study was to determine challenges encountered during the implementation of the healthcare waste management projects in Kenya. A descriptive research design was used for this study. The study adopted purposive sampling technique, of which 30% of the total target population of public health officers and other respondents who participated in the project were used. The number of respondents for this study was 90. The study used SPSS version 21 to establish the descriptive and inferential results regarding the mean, frequencies, standard deviation, regression and correlation. The results were presented in form of charts, graphs and Table. Correlation results revealed that that project resources, project quality management, monitoring and evaluation and availability of technology have a positive and significant effect on project performance during implementation in Kenya. Regression results also indicated that the independent variables had a positive and significant effect on project performance during implementation in Kenya. The study recommended that HCW projects ensured there was sufficient project resources to carry out the project work well and seek additional financial aid form the government and development partners to ensure the projects are sufficiently financed and have a contingency fund as well, in addition resource planning tools should be applied always. Quality requirements set through stakeholder meetings should be clearly followed to the latter, also capacity building in the projects should always be a key objective to ensure that the project personnel are well equipped technically to carry out their activities and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of carrying out their duties. Lastly compliance with requirement provides a guiding system for project tasks and leads to the correct results hence should be ensured. Monitoring and evaluation should be conducted routinely throughout implementation of the HCW projects, by professionals of the field and at the end as well to establish if the product is acceptable. The technology chosen should match the work it is to be used in and be affordable to run in the project. Also it should have technical staff that understands it and that can handle it well under various constraints that may arise from time to time.
Key Words: Project Resources, Project Quality, Project Monitoring And Evaluation, Technology, Medical Waste
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