The general objective of the study is to determine the factors influencing procurement management practices on performance of food and beverage industry case of East African Breweries Limited Kenya. This study employed a descriptive research design on a target population of 49 employees working at the procurement department at East African Breweries Limited. The study used census sampling where all the 49-procurement staff made the sample list. Inferential statistics included multiple regression to help estimate the changes in performance following a unit change in each of the independent variables. From the findings R Square was 57.1%, this indicated that there were factors affecting performance on East Africa Breweries Limited that were not covered in the current study. The study concluded that HRM plays an important role in managing their organization, it was established that there was continuous training and development of employees on the job, internal integration was aimed at improving EABL overall performance, the respondents networked with their suppliers for timely delivery of supplies, inventory management enabled continuous flow of production, the study established that respondents adopted lean inventory practices to have sufficient cash flow. The study recommended that EABL should have mentorship program to pass down skills to junior staff, EABL coaching should promote sharing of experiences at the workplace, EABL should collaborate with their suppliers to encourage continuous production, East African Breweries Limited should employ formal stakeholder management techniques, EABL should coordinate activities with their partners to realize high performance, EABL strategic relationship with suppliers should improve their performance in the procurement function, and EABL inventory should be based on accurate forecast of market supply and demand.
Key Words: training, development, supply chain integration, stakeholder management, inventory management
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.753
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