The general objective of this study was to determine the influence of strategic quality management on organizational performance of food processing companies with a special focus on Unga Holding Limited. The target population for the study were 96 employees from the three subsidiaries of Unga Holding limited which are Unga Limited, Unga Farm Care and Unga Millers Uganda Limited. The study utilized questionnaires which were distributed to the respondents then collected after the agreed period of time. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used in the analysis. Data was then presented in form of tables and figures. The study established that quality improvement contributes the most to organizational performance followed by visionary leadership then quality assurance while quality control contributed the least to organizational performance. Based on findings of this study, it was reasonable to conclude that strategic quality management contributed to performance of Unga Holding Limited. Quality improvement was found to be statistically significant in influencing the firm’s performance. Therefore, managers should look for ways of monitoring and sustaining performance through training employees and by ensuring continuous quality audits and system measurements of Unga Holding Limited. The study recommended that the government, in cooperation with other organizations, should be involved in two inter-related approaches to enhance quality and service excellence that will have a tremendous impact on the performance of industries. The first was to establish a quality award program in the country. This would create a sense of competitiveness among the industries. The other was to expedite the condition for actively seeking and obtain international standards such as ISO. Establishing a local certifying agent can be one way to accomplish this. In general the implementation of strategic quality management requires a change in attitude of the society. This would be a long and frustrating journey but at the end, the survival of the industries and improvement of the quality of lives in the country are ensured.
Key Words: Quality Improvement, Visionary Leadership, Quality Assurance, Quality Control
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