The general objective of the study was to assess factors affecting procurement practices in the ministries in Kenya. This study concentrated on the above four indicated variables. This study utilized descriptive survey research design. It was notable that there existed strong positive relationship between the indepedent variables and depedent variable as shown by R value (0.787). The coefficient of determination was between zero and one (Ghozali, 2006). The data showed that the high R square was 0.619. It showed that the independent variables in the study were able to explain 61.90% variation in the procurement practices while the remaining 38.10% was explained by the variables or other aspects outside the model. The standard error was minimal with a value of 0.000 meaning the model used in the study had minimal effects of errors associated with it. The study findings implied that staff competency, ICT, quality management systems and top management support played a significant role on the procurement practices in the government ministries in Kenya. To enhance procurement practices in the government ministries, there is need to have sufficient and qualified procurement personnel with enough training assessment methods to enhance compliance with the rules and regulations. The government ministries should also employ professional trained procurement staff and continuously train the staff on emerging issues on public procurement practices. The government ministries should effectively integrate procurement functions with ICT based systems through application of e-procurement methods, use of automated procurement systems; implementation of supportive ICT infrastructure for encouraging adoption of ICT based procurement systems and training of procurement staff on ICT skills. In the light of the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were hereby proposed: Efforts must be made to implement those TQM practices which are not being effectively practiced in the study area so as to help improve on procurement practices. The top management should ensure that it gives the public sector the sense of direction and this goes a long way in ascertaining efficiency in the procurement practices.
Key Words: Staff Competence, Information Communication Technology, Quality Management Systems, Top Management
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.762
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