The study sought to establish the drivers of procurement functions in government institutions in Kisumu County, Kenya. Descriptive research design was used for the study. The target population for this study was 800 supply chain officers drawn from different government institutions in Kisumu County. The quantitative data was entered into SPSS for analysis. It was notable that there existed a relationship between indepedent variables and depedent variable with a correlation coefficent of 0.867. The coefficient of determination was between zero and one. The data showed that the high R square was 0.767. It showed that the independent variables in the study were able to explain 76.70% variation in the procurement functions while the remaining 23.30% was explained by the variables or other aspects outside the model. This implied that these variables were very significant and they therefore needed to be considered in any effort to boost procurement functions in the government institutions.To enhance procurement functions in the government institutions, there was need to have sufficient and qualified procurement personnel with enough training assessment methods to enhance compliance with the rules and regulations. There should be adequate training and simulation for key stakeholders especially the procurement staff qualifications to promote reduction of procurement costs. ICT Integration plays an important on enhancing procurement functions in the government institutions in Kenya. There is need to ensure that the procurement staff is computer literate to comply with the rules and regulations. In order to prevent and avoid conflict of interest in public procurement, there should be guidelines with a clear definition of conflict of interest, as well as put forth requirements for officials involved in the procurement process. The study recommended for the management to ensure all contracts are awarded competitively. All tenders should be evaluated before awarding and each contract is assigned its own contracts manager to monitor. There is need for the organization manages contracts with the contracts management plans. To a great extent all organization contracts should be subjected to inspection.
Key Words: Staff Competency, Procurement Ethics, ICT Integration, Contract Management
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