Studies and empirical data that address the Constituents that affect the Implementation of sustainable public procurement in Kenyan Public Universities are scarce considering it is a fairly new subject. This study sought to assess the constituents that affect the implementation of sustainable public procurement in Kenyan public universities as the general objective. The specific objectives of the study were: To establish the effect of financial resources on the implementation of sustainable public procurement in Kenyan Public Universities; to assess the effect of government regulations and policies on the implementation of sustainable public procurement in Kenyan Public Universities; to examine the effect of the adequacy of technological infrastructure on the implementation of sustainable public procurement in Kenyan Public Universities and to determine the effects of training and development and how it affects the implementation of sustainable public procurement in Kenyan Public Universities. The study employed a descriptive research design. The target populations of the study were the 279 employees of various departments at Technical University of Kenya (TUK). Data was collected through stratified random sampling by the answering of questionnaires both quantitatively and qualitatively. The sample frame included the top and middle level managers with employees involved in planning and acquisition. The sample size was 83 employees drawn from various departments of the institution. Findings were analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and concluded that financial resources, government rules and regulations, adequacy of technological infrastructure and training and development are the main constituents that affect the implementation of sustainable public procurement in Kenyan public universities. The recommendations include increased and well allocated budgets; government to have procurement laws specific to public universities; more reliable and efficient technologies; and specific trainings of staff on emerging changes with regard to implementation of sustainable public procurement in Kenyan public universities .
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