The Kenya banking industry is highly competitive and dynamic sector owing to globalization, advancement of technology, deregulation of financial services and privatization of banks that were initially public. The overall goal for the banks is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. This, however, is a challenge because banks’ products and services are homogenous. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of CSR resources on competitive advantage in commercial banks in Kenya and to establish the influence of bank size in the relationship between CSR resources and competitive advantage in commercial banks in Kenya. The study results should assists managers in the commercial banks to strike a balance in strategic corporate social responsibility resources. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was used to collect data. The target population was 305 branches within Nairobi County, a sample size of 170 branch managers and community champions were randomly selected. Inferential statistics was used in this study. The findings showed that resources are sufficiently supplied in commercial banks in Kenya and that bank size had a moderating effect on CSR resources and competitive advantage in the commercial banks in Kenya. The study recommended that commercial banks in Kenya should strike a balance not to oversupply resources to allow them to remain competitive. Further research should be done in commercial banks in Kenya to investigate level of CSR resources that will lead to greatest influence in building competitive advantage and invest in them.
Key words; Commercial Banks, Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategy, Competitive Advantage, Resources
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