The SACCO sector in Kenya has been of great importance since it help in growth of economy of the country and also realizing vision 2030. Kenya SACCO industry contributes towards growth of GDP of our Nation as well as creation of Job opportunities for the youth. There had been a tremendous decrease of total loans to total deposit in Kenya industry since 2014 to 2016 based on the recent SASRA report. The percentage of total loans to total deposit in 2014 was 110 percent, 2015 recorded 108 percent and 2016 indicated further decrease to 107 percent. The trend raised the question why such a decrease in the Kenya industry and what can be done to reverse the situation. Credit risk has been the dominating challenge across all sectors more so in the financial industry globally. The most underlying challenge across all SACCOs is loan repayment defaults. The purpose of this project was to examine how credit appraisal methods relate with loan portfolio performance among deposit taking SACCOs in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The general objective was broken down to specific objectives; To determine the effect of credit appraisal methods on loan portfolio performance among deposit taking SACCOs in Nairobi City, Kenya, to evaluate the effect of Credit risk identification practices on loan portfolio performance among deposit taking SACCOs in Nairobi City, Kenya, to determine the effect of credit policies on loan portfolio performance among deposit taking SACCOs in Nairobi City, Kenya and to examine credit risk mitigation measures on loan portfolio performance employed by deposit taking SACCOs in Nairobi City, Kenya. The study was of great to the management of SACCOs, Government in formulation of policies and other researchers. Descriptive research design was adopted with a target population of 51 registered SACCOs in Nairobi, Kenya according to the list of SACCO Societies which had been duly licensed to carry out deposit- taking SACCO business in Kenya. A sample size of 45 respondents was selected using the systematic random sampling technique. Research data was achieved by use of questionnaires which was summarized, edited accordingly and analyzed by use of SPSS. 86.7% of the respondents indicate that their SACCOs had adopted credit appraisal technique.
Key Words: credit appraisal, Credit risk, credit policies, credit risk, SACCOs
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