This study focused on customer complaint management and how it affects the revenues of organisations in the hospitality industry in Kenya. The organisation selected as the research site was Nairobi Serena Hotel, which is part of a group of hotels with several hotels in different counties within Kenya. The respondents were the guests at the hotel. The study used quantitative research design to find out whether there was any evidence of a relationship between customer complaint management and increased revenues, and used a questionnaire as the data collection instrument. Ten initial copies of the questionnaire were sent to the Nairobi Serena Hotel guests for a pilot study to assess whether the guests fully understood the questions directed at them, these questionnaires were discarded and the data therein not considered in the final analysis. The researcher used test-retest reliability to measure the instrument reliability and the questionnaires were administered one week apart; the reliability co-efficient was greater than 0.7, therefore the questionnaire developed was considered reliable. The questionnaire also had content validity since it covered all the facets of research carried out. The data collected was analysed with the use of SPSS and after the analysis, the researcher tested the hypothesis and accepted it, based on the data analysed. The findings of this study were important since they established the relationship between customer complaint management and revenues in an organisation; this informed the organisation on the prominence it ought to give customer service within the organisation. The findings of this research would be used for future reference by other academic researchers as well as by other organisations as they seek to increase their revenues through improved customer service. The findings indicated that complaint management has a substantial effect on the revenue earned in the hospitality industry. The study gave conclusion and recommendations for the result obtained.
Key Words: Customer Complaint Management, Revenue, Hospitality Industry
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i3.804
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