The purpose of the study was to establish factors that influence performance of artisanal and small scale mining projects in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. The design of this research was a descriptive survey research. The study used a census and the population for the study was 155 artisanal and small scale mining projects in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. It was notable that there exists a strong positive relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. The data also had a high value of coefficient off determination (R2 = 0.724. This showed that the independent variables in the study were able to explain 72.40% variation in the performance of artisanal and small scale mining projects in the study area while the remaining 27.60% was explained by the variables or other aspects outside the model. This indicated that the set of independent variables were important factors that needed to be enhanced to boost performance of artisanal and small scale mining projects in the study area. The study recommended for enhancement of stakeholder involvement in the projects. There is need to develop stakeholder engagement plans that describe the project stakeholder requirements. The study recommended that project teams involved in the various projects be equipped with more project management skills to enhance performance of artisanal and small scale mining projects in Kenya. There is a need for enhancing the planning, communication, leadership and management skills of managers. There is also need to ensure that there is adequate project financing to boost the performance of artisanal and small scale mining projects in Kenya. This would reduce budgetary constraints, cost overruns and reduce interference with running of operations according to the project schedule, and reduce the threat of insufficient capital to run project activities. Internal controls and record keeping are important to boost performance of artisanal and small scale mining projects in Kenya.
Key Words: Stakeholder Involvement, Project Management Skills, Project Funding, Technology, Performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i3.817
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