The main objective of this study was to establish the role of supply chain risk management techniques on the performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. A Case of Unga Group Ltd. Particularly, the study sought to find out the role of lean management technique on the performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya; to establish the role of just-in-time delivery technique on the performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya; to determine the role that single sourcing technique has on the performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya; and to ascertain the role of supplier rating technique on the performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study adopted descriptive research design and targeted employees at Unga Group Ltd, with a base sample size of 124 respondents. Further, the study used structured questionnaires as the main instruments for collecting primary data from respondents. Data collected was first edited, formatted and organized for coding into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 25) Program. Based on the statistical findings the researcher was able to draw conclusions from the responses. From the findings, 61.1% (R Square = .611) of the total variability in the dependent variable (Performance) could be explained by Lean Management Technique, Just-In-Time Technique, Single Sourcing Technique, and Supplier Rating Technique. However, Supplier Rating Technique was found to be statistically insignificant meaning. The implication was that Lean Management Technique, Just-In-Time Technique, and Single Sourcing Technique play major roles as supply chain risk management techniques and as such they have an impact on the performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. This study therefore recommended that policy makers and other major actors in the manufacturing sector employ these techniques in their day to day operations so as to increase the performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya.
Key Words: Lean Management, Just-In-Time, Single Sourcing, Supplier Rating, Manufacturing Firms in Kenya
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