The objective of this study was to establish the influence of strategy evaluation on sustainability of community based tourism in the coast region of Kenya. The target population was 193 members of community based tourism. Stratified random sampling method was used to classify the thirteen community groups into a single stratum. The respondents were then selected through random balloting so as to reduce bias selection of respondents. The study used structured questionnaire and documented literature as the main tools for both primary and secondary data collection. The findings indicated that strategy evaluation had a positive relationship with sustainability of community based tourism. The variables were normally distributed and hence no significant differences at 95% confidence level. The study established that a strong linear relationship existed between strategy evaluation and sustainability of community based tourism. The study also found out that community based tourism enterprises need strategy evaluation to enhance their sustainability. The study recommended development of appropriate incentives that promotes investment in tourism ventures especially infrastructure and information technology so as to attract private sector partnerships and bring about sustainable community based tourism for the overall development of tourism in the coast region of Kenya.
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