This study sought to examine the influence of lecturers’ preparedness on examination setting techniques and quality of examinations in public Universities in Kenya. The study also examined the influence of university standards and guidelines on the relationship between lecturers’ preparedness on setting examinations and quality of examinations. The study used the concurrent triangulation research design of mixed method which combines phenomenological research design for qualitative data and cross-sectional survey research design for quantitative data. Both probability and non-probability sampling techniques were used to select the sample for the study. A total of 242 respondents were involved in the study. Qualitative data were organized into themes to make meaningful conclusions of the study. The study found a statistically significant relationship between lecturers’ preparedness and quality of examinations. It was found out that the lecturers were not frequently trained on techniques of setting examinations. The trainings were neither properly scheduled, planned nor budgeted for. The study therefore recommended that the Ministry of Education should provide finances to train the university’s academic staff on the importance of lecturers’ preparedness on examinations setting and its effect on quality of examinations. This study focused only on public universities. Therefore there should be a study done on the same covering the private universities.
Keywords: Lecturers’ Preparedness, Quality of Examination, Public Universities
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