The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of dynamic environmental scan practices on performance of commercial based state parastatals in Kenya. The study adopted a cross section survey research design and the target population was the fifty five (55) commercial based state parastatals. A sample of forty eight (48) commercial based state parastatals was used for the study. These were identified through stratified random sampling. The respondents of the study constituted CEO’s, Finance Managers and HR Managers and finance managers of each of the sampled commercial based state parastatals. Collection of data was conducted with the aid of questionnaires and interviews. Collection of Secondary data was done from financial and audited statements. Questionnaires were hand delivered to the respondents in the respective institutions by the help of research assistants. The research assistants self-administered the questionnaires to the respondents of the sampled commercial based state parastatals under the supervision of the researcher. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 24 and Microsoft Excel. Regression models were fitted and hypothesis testing was carried using standard F and t tests. The study found that dynamic environmental scan practices were found to have significant positive influence on performance and therefore, this means that state corporations that respond to dynamic and hostile environment will have a competitive edge and hence better performance.
Key terms: Environmental Scan, Profitability, Change Management, Strategic Planning, Performance
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