This study sought to investigate the effect of board leadership on performance of Machakos Water and Sewerage Company in Kenya. It had been noted that the performance of this company had been fluctuating making it difficult to deliver services to the stakeholders and operate at the required minimum service levels. The research variables were underpinned on the postulates of stewardship theory. Descriptive research design was adopted and utilized as a strategy for integrating the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way. The unit of analysis was Machakos Water and Sewerage Company. However, the unit of observation comprised of employees from the functional areas of the company. A representative sample was selected from the target population using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The study used both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaire whereas secondary data was obtained through a review of relevant published reports in order to validate the data collected from the field. The research instrument was administered through the drop and pick method with an object of enhancing the response rate. The response rate for this study was eighty eight percent which was considered sufficient for making inferences and drawing conclusions. The quantitative data was analysed using mean, standard deviation and regression analysis. Results of analysis were presented using figures and tables. The findings of study revealed that corporate leadership has a positive contribution to the overall performance of the company. Drawing from these inferences, management of Machakos Water and Sewerage Company should formulate favourable policies on corporate leadership and support inherent practices through availing commensurate resources so as to improve corporate performance. It’s further recommended that management should leverage on CEO duality, leadership styles and motivation to enhance the operational efficiency of the company.
Key Words: Corporate Governance, Corporate Leadership and Performance
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