This study investigated the effect of deployment practices on employees’ performance in Coast Water Services Board. This is because there was need to establish whether deployment practices affect the performance of employees in the organization with the main aim of curbing the negative effects of deployment.The study also focused on establishing the extent of the impact of several types of deployment namely inter-departmental deployment, inter-location deployment, job-redesignation deployment, and penal deployment on employee performance. The study used a descriptive research design. The study used a sampling frame consisting of top, middle, junior management and field officers. The study population was 640 from which a sample size of 192 respondents was drawn. Responses from the respondents were analyzed using statistical package for social sciences. The study findings showed that there is significant association between deployment practices and employee’s performance at Coast Water Services Board. Correlation analysis indicated that job re-designation deployment, penal deployment, interdepartmental deployment had a strong positive linear correlation with employee performance, with inter-location deployment having a weak positive linear correlation with employee performance. The study also established that deployment requires a lot of personal adjustments by the employee, which greatly affects their perceptions towards this practice and thus if deployment is carried inappropriately, the affected employees have negative perceptions of this practice. This finally leads to low motivation and poor performance at work. The researcher recommended among many others that deployment should not be undertaken against the wish of the employees, and thus much consideration and planning needs to be done before implementing employee deployment. Focus should also be made to ensure employees perceive deployment favorably, as this greatly influences their motivation and performance after being deployed.
Key terms: Performance, Deployment, Inter-location deployment, Job redesignation, Interdepartmental deployment, Penal Deployment
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i3.839
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