The general objective was to analyze the influence of head teacher’s strategic leadership on students’ academic performance in private primary schools in Nyali Sub-county. The study used descriptive survey research design. The target population was all 77 registered private schools in Nyali sub-county. The data collection method for the study was questionnaire. The study concluded that although the head teachers and teachers discussed school matters which included performance and discipline, the number of times that they met may not have been very adequate since there was need for continued meetings for planning and monitoring academic progress of the pupils. Due to high competition in private primary schools, directors of the schools had been looking for headteachers who were aggressive and who could ensure good student academic performance. It was also established that the head teachers created conditions that allowed teachers to do their teaching job and Co-curricular activities even without their presence. The study recommended that school head teacher should adopt a blend or mix of leadership styles for instance transformational leadership as dictate situations. They should avoid the traditional habit of sticking to one approach of leadership style. The study also recommended that there was need to involve teachers and parents in matters of students’ performance in schools eg dealing with the discipline of the students so that head teachers can concentrate more on the general management of the school.
Keywords: Leadership Skills, Leadership Styles, Transformational Leadership, Strategic Leadership
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