The aim of the study was to investigate the role of digitization in the preservation of corporate archives at Kenya Power Limited. The results of the study indicated that access to the digital records was majorly provided via internet. It was followed by the use of CD or DVD in the search room, online searches in the search room from server storage/tape library as well as the use of E-mails). KPL provided three kind of access to digital archive services which included full access, partial access as well as no access was allowed on some of digital records. The access to digital records held by KPL archival services was determined by sensitivity, confidentiality and the reason for access of the archived information. Majority of the respondents stated that KPL had policies that regulated the preservation of digital archives while only a few of the respondents stated otherwise. Among the policies set up by KPL to regulate the preservation of digital archives included; authorization, staff development, application of latest technology in preservation of information and regulatory compliance policy. More than half of the respondents were aware of the digital preservation policies. KPL digital archive did not have security threats attributed to the security measures that the organization had put in place which included; data and database security, procedural security, system security and data back-up. The challenges surrounding digital preservation of archives included inadequate funding, obsolete hardware and software, insufficient ICT facilities, fragile storage media, inadequate expertise and shortage of DRM Skills. The study recommended that KPL should improve its communication channels pertaining its set organizational policies on preservation of archived information and it should have effective implementation of security measures to secure its information system as well as digitally preserved archives. It was hoped that the study would serve as a catalyst in the modification and formulation of digital preservation strategies in the both private and public organizations in Kenya.
Key terms: Accessibility of Digital Archives, Policy Framework of digital Preservation, Preservation of Archives
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