The Kenyan health sector comprises the public system, with major players including the MOH and parasternal organizations, and the private health sector, which includes private for-profit, NGO, and FBO facilities. Kenyan Health services are provided through a network of over 4,700 health facilities (KMDB, 2016). Private health sector (both for-profit and not-for-profit) contributes to over 40 percent of health services in the country, providing mainly curative health services and very few preventive services (Muga, Kizito, Mbayah& Gakuruh, 2005). The government health service is supplemented by privately owned and operated hospitals and clinics and faith-based organizations’ Hospitals and clinics, which together provide between 30 and 40 percent of the hospital beds in Kenya (Gok, 2011).The private hospital makes a substantial contribution to Kenya’s health services provision which has grown significantly in the recent years. Health sector is an important contributor to the society strengthens and carries out measures for the prevention, eradication and control of diseases, and to provide adequate and effective diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative services for the whole population. However, these objectives have been pursued against a backdrop of a rapidly rising population, currently estimated at 28 million people and increasing poverty levels with over 50% of Kenyans living in absolute poverty. To add to this gloomy environment, State support for health and education has been radically reduced. (MOH, 2014). The new challenge facing Hospital managers today is how to develop strategies that will help to provide adequate and effective diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative services for the whole population. To support sustainability efforts, the hospital managers have to create a vision for the future that is widely shared by top, middle and operational managers which is a major concern in strategic management practice. A critical determinant of the hospital sustainability is the ability of the managers to make good decisions and to manage their implementation. Therefore, a panacea must be found for the health sector, if it must adequately meet its challenges and have the ability to meet the increasing consumer needs.
Key words; Strategy, Strategic Planning, Strategic Planning Private Hospitals Health Sector
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