Employee engagement has become a household name in contemporary human resource management practices. Organizations have to keep their employees engaged to maintain competitive advantage and keep up with changing trends in business. Poor human resource management practices in universities are evident. This has resulted in employees providing poor service to clients because they are not engaged in their work. The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of management practices on employee engagement among non-teaching staff in selected public universities in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to investigate the influence of organizational support on employee engagement among non-teaching staff, to determine the influence of organizational justice on employee engagement among non-teaching staff, to explore the influence of supervisor support on employee engagement among non-teaching staff, and to analyse the influence of employee work environment on employee engagement among non-teaching staff in selected public universities in Kenya. The target population was 1673 non-teaching staff of the three selected universities out of which 321 formed the sample size. Purposive sampling technique was used to select respondents in management and simple random sampling technique was used to select non-teaching staff to avoid bias. Instruments for data collection were questionnaires which were distributed to respondents.
Keywords: Organizational Support, Organizational Justice, Supervisor Support, Employee Work Environment Employee Engagement
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